Sunday, August 24, 2014

How I ended up travelling solo in Maldives

There’s no better way for me to start this blog than to write about my recent trip to the honeymooner’s paradise…MALDIVES

First of all, I am not here to brag about my trip to Maldives. I am just an average person with an extraordinary courage to share her life experiences thinking that one day someone will benefit or will be inspired by her posts.

So here goes my first blog….

A day before my 26th birthday, I came back to UAE from a trip to Maldives. It maybe just one ordinary trip outside the country but this is something I would cherish my whole life.

Travelling alone as a single woman in a honeymooner's paradise is 
one of the bravest challenge I would be doing in my entire life. 
And also, one week from now, I'll be turning 26. 
Cheers to a more mature and more independent me. 

So I went to Maldives alone. Others might think that I am lonely and depressed, or doesn’t have enough friends, doesn’t have family etc. But hey! I do have friends, a lot! And I have a very nice and loving family.And definitely I am not depressed! So why in the first place would I go solo?

Few months back, a close friend of mine and I purchased a package tour online. We got it on a pretty reasonable price. The package consists of 3 nights hotel stay with return flight and transfer. You can check their site and see the packages they’re offering, Holiday Factory

We are so excited of this trip that we even enrolled in a gym to shed a few pounds and took swimming lessons! Well, I am not a good swimmer unlike my friend. I don’t go far or dare myself to swim if my feet can’t touch the ground. I would also wear a life vest if I would want to swim in the middle of the ocean. I told myself, I need to enjoy this trip and I want to swim with the fishes and go snorkeling without a life vest.

It took me 4 sessions of swimming in the pool before I tried the open water. My ever kind and patient coach took me for open water swimming. He picked me up at 5:30 in a Saturday morning and we practice in an open beach here in Dubai. And oh my, the salt water did hurt my throat. I thought it would be easy now. Well, it’s a nice experience so that I know what I will face in Maldives. He also taught me some underwater swimming skills and how to dive with your snorkels still on your mouth. I conquered my fear of swimming beyond my height (like 20 feet deep) and got to touch a sea urchin, too!

A week before our flight, my friend and I did our shopping (I will later write a list of the must bring items). While at work preparing my handover (I will be gone for a week only :D), my friend asked me if we can postpone our trip. And I was like (in my mind only), are you kidding me?! After all those preparations and excitement you want to cancel our trip?! She told me that she needs to go home to Philippines due to a family matter…then, I was like…………totally


That day I feel like crying.  I cannot postpone my leave. I have planned for this leave since last year and I cannot go on the other days as well. My teammates are scheduled to leave on the coming weeks. There’s no way for me to cancel this leave and I had scheduled this trip a week before my birthday!

All those preparations and excitement were filled with ??? I don’t know if I will get angry or upset. I really don’t know how to react. I cannot concentrate with my work anymore. I feel so helpless. I don’t want to hurt her with my words so I chose not to talk to her about the matter until she had made her final decision. I again wanted to deactivate my Facebook account but I thought it’s very immature of me to do. So, I told her that if I didn’t see her at the airport then only I would know that she had decided not to come with me.

That night I went to see another good friend of mine and talked about the situation. Then, I did my usual late night walking listening to Christian songs. I told myself, am I being selfish? Yes, I am selfish because I am only thinking about my feelings, my comfort, my happiness, myself!  I even asked God why. Why did you let this happen? All these preparations and excitement will end up on me travelling alone. I am not prepared for this. Why on my birthday? Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME.

I cannot blame my friend.
Nobody wants this to happen to us.
As I always tell myself, we cannot control the situation. 
We can only control our reactions.

I put myself in my friend’s situation. We are both in pain and upset, but I know it is more painful on her part. Yes, so damn painful and I am only aggravating her pain. I am a friend and I should understand and comfort her. I should not be thinking of myself only, my own happiness.

It’s close to midnight and I was still walking outside. I left messages in her Facebook. Don’t worry… Don’t worry, I will be fine alone. Don’t worry, Maldives is just there. Your family needs you more. Don’t worry about the money, we can always earn money…and she said, thank you.

From that moment, something dark and heavy escaped from my heart. All those worries and panting were gone. I was able to smile and breathe freely again.

Now that I had accepted wholeheartedly that I am travelling solo, I didn't tell my mom right away because I don’t want her to worry about me and get a heart attack. LOL. A day before my flight, I finally told her and good thing she was okay with it. No negative and worry reactions like she does most of the time. (peace ma :P)

Few hours before my flight, I was feeling both excited and nervous. I was like in mixed emotions, another friend of mine quoted that it feels like I’m getting married. I don’t know what will happen with me there. Will I end up eaten by a shark? Is it my fate to die in the ocean? I don’t know anyone in Maldives. Will I still enjoy this trip?

I am filled with questions in which I do not have the answers for. Worry is dominating my body again. So I just lift everything to God and I told Him, that I trust Him and He will not abandon me. I am her precious daughter and I know that He would not let anything bad happen to me.  I even asked my sister to pray for me. She told me that I don’t need one because I am already guided by God. Hmmmm… she’s right. I don’t need to worry. I don’t need to be afraid.

"When I am afraid, I put my trust in You."
 Psalms 56:3

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