Friday, May 8, 2015

Arrested by Grace

Thursday evening, after work, I went to church, had a meeting over coffee and a dinner with a couple of friends. We finished around 1 in the morning and I still have to go to my sister’s house to help with my niece’s decoration for her birthday party. I came home to my sister’s house 2 in the morning. It is not an ordinary place and it is not accessible by buses and trains. I was about to take a taxi but a good friend of mine along with another good friend offered to take me home. It was indeed a very blessed and favored day/week for me because of the people God had placed in my life and of His overflowing strength He had provided to sustain all my activities for the whole week or past days. If I would enumerate what happened lately,…. I don’t want to enumerate actually.. LOL ^_^

I would tell myself (or pray) that these activities are not for me alone, Father, but these are for Your Glory and to fulfill Your calling in my life. I am really grateful for the overflowing strength and wisdom You had showered me…  These strength and wisdom are not for me to boast about but for me to share with other people. God has given us gifts not ours to possess or hold unto but for us to be shared and/or given to someone else.

When I got home 2 in the morning, normally what we would do is to fix ourselves (change clothes, brush teeth, fix the bed) and sleep, some would just sleep right away. I knew I was soooo tired but I fixed myself and went to have my worship and quiet time in the balcony.

I was asking again.. God, when are you coming back. I was getting rid of all my thoughts, my emotions my will, and especially my fear and doubts…and just letting His Holy presence consume me. But I know it was not enough. “I want clearer visitations and clearer communication with You. Take me to heaven and show me what You want me to do and tell the people.”  I was desperate to hear God’s voice. I want an intimate relationship with Him. I want to laugh with Jesus Christ and experience His humor.

There were moments that I got lost and came back but I know I didn’t fell asleep. I opened my Bible and God lead me to Ezekiel. I read 2-3 chapters and I was amazed by His revelations. Ezekiel in his 30th year saw visions of God. He was then eventually called to be a prophet. I then told Him, God why 30? I am asking You now. Why do I still have to wait for 4 years? Well, God has given me His answers even before. He would always go back to the word – Obedience. I have to be obedient to Him then He will then supply me with the gifts of His Holy Spirit – the supernatural kind of thing – healing and prophecy.

He also told me the word – Patience. He wants me to enjoy what I am doing and currently have right now. I didn’t know the explanation why but I feel that God wants me to enjoy what I have right now is because when the time comes that He would call me,  I would obey Him and leave everything behind.

I have this strong feeling that God didn’t save me just to save me for eternal life. He saved me for His purpose.. for a greater calling. My fall was arrested by His Grace. I know the year 2015 would be the year of grace, it is the time of my equipping (this is one of my prayers points from the latest prayer and fasting).

As I ended my quiet time that time, I went to rest my body and listened to worship songs as I fall asleep. It was 4 in the morning, if I can remember.

I really thankful to God for bringing weekends or the rest days from work because I am able to have extended time with Him. Now, when I would remember His word, 30 years old? Well, let’s see but this I know for sure – God will never fail me.

Let me end this post with the song… Arrested by Grace by WorshipMob

Stuck in the mire of a standard too high
Best efforts have left me weary and dry
From trying to trusting, the weight is released
The cross I am bearing You carried for me

Caught in the crossfire, confusion and doubt
Entrenched in this trial, too weak to dig out
Redemption came running, with righteous decree
"I finished theWORK, child, so fall into Me... fall into Me"

You call me worthy, shame flooded by Mercy's sea
Forever forgiven, a new life has risen in me
Righteous and holy, sin always and fully erased
Beloved, accepted, my fall was arrested by Grace

From trying to trusting, this weight is released
The cross I am bearing You carried for me
Redemption came running, with righteous decree
"I finished theWORK, Child, so fall into Me... fall into me"

Adopted by Perfection
You rejected my rejection
Made whole by resurrection...I'm Yours
(COPYRIGHT© 2014 Integrity's Praise! Music/BMI & Brave World Publishing)

Saturday, May 2, 2015

The Blue Man

So I am back in writing again. I was not able to post for two months though I have a lot of thoughts to blog about which I had kept in Evernote. Tonight, I just want to write about my current feelings and thoughts and whatever the Holy Spirit would like me write about.

It’s 11 on a Saturday night now. I have work tomorrow and I wanted to rest so bad but I still had that eagerness to write. So I opened my laptop and I am writing again. I remember the time when I created this blog. It was mainly to write about my travels and food explorations but it turned out to be more of the inspirational side and sharing my walk with God.

Sometimes God would give me ideas to write about. The ideas are overflowing in my mind but never get the chance to post them. So what I do is just write it down on my mobile then blog about it when I have the chance or the time. But then, I don’t have much time. Okay, I do have time but it is not enough on all the things I want to do. They said prioritize…manage your time..but for me? I can’t comment on that. I am quite lost but not really. There is so much to do yet little time – I would always tell myself.

I had a very tough week/s lately. My workload increased to the extent that I get to missed emails for a week which I don’t normally do. I and my teammates were having a tough time at work that even extending after office hours would not let us finish everything. I remember staying alone at the office one night until 10:30 and I got so drained the other day. Imagine some of them are staying almost every night. I can still consider myself lucky. Lucky… because I’ve learned to let go and leave office earlier than them.

But let’s get to the point… I had a very tough week at work but it didn’t stop me to do my usual activities. Would you believe me that my time with God was longer than before? I was expecting that it will be lessened or no quiet time at all. I was amazed on the fire and the strength that God gave me.

It all started when I had that Tuesday sesh with a group of believers from another church. We also have a run for a cause on that day and run as part of my training for The North Face Night Rock Run which I had yesterday (May 1). I was not able to attend the run off course. But it was a very fruitful and amazing night for me. I won’t be able to tell everything what happened but my eagerness to get closer to God and experience His Presence has grown more than before.

I can’t go to bed now without soaking in God’s Presence. My curfew time for myself is 12 midnight. I would go to the balcony, put a mat and pillows and lie down. I normally start my soaking time with worship songs, then prayer, then feeling His presence or letting God’s presence manifests in me. If there’s no word from Him directly, I would open my Bible randomly, then I know those are His words for me which then I find very timely. If you check my Instagram posts, the Bible verses that I am posting were the verses He had given me on those days.

That’s why I normally sleep 2-3am with 5-6 hours of sleep only. I have been asking God to give me clear visions or clearer visitations. That He will speak to me directly and that He will take me somewhere and I won’t be having that fear in me again.

God then gave me the word “Obedience” if I want to fully receive His gifts – the gifts that I have been asking Him – gift of prophecy and gift of healing. He had given me a task before which I was not able to do. He showed me the opportunity, the very clear perfect timing but I let it pass. But God gave me another task on that day but it was for another person and He wowed me that night.

Sometimes in life, God will speak to you directly and you wouldn't even realize it. So don’t forget to pray for discernment as well.

God gave me a vision one time of a man wearing a blue shirt sweeping the floor, and he was deaf. I was like, God why are you showing me this. Then He said, this is what you have been asking me. Then the obedience word came again. That night (Sunday), I said, Lord, where am I going to find this man. Where am I going to find him? I had my core training that night, rode a train, went to a cafeteria but I didn’t find him.

The next day, I was staying late in the office, and the office boys and cleaners are not wearing blue. I was about to ask my colleague to speak to one of them in their language and ask if one of them was deaf but I was too shy to ask her of that. She might ask me why, and I have to explain to her the reason that God showed me this vision. She might go on shock and I don’t want it to happen. LOL. I am actually not yet prepared to be so bold with other people. Though one of God’s word for me is to never hold back. Okay, let’s go back to the story…

I left the office 10:30 and I told myself there’s no chance for me to find this man because I am not going anywhere this late in the evening.

On my way home, I went to the grocery store to buy some snacks for the next day’s breakfast. I bumped to a man on my way to the cashier. I was listening to my usual worship songs and didn’t pay much attention to him. I was paying at the counter when I realized that, that is the man from The vision. I was looking at Him and couldn’t believe myself that The vision was indeed true.  I was praying, God please speak to me now. Please give me a word if You want me to go to him and pray for him for healing. Then I paid for my bill and went home.