Saturday, March 7, 2015

Come and follow Me

I woke up early this morning to have a surfing session with my ever supportive swimming and surfing Coach. It’s Saturday and I’m scheduled to usher for today’s service. Service starts at 10:30 in the morning but we have to be there an hour before to fix the place. Knowing I’d have to go to church, I still took some time to get some taste of salt water and a few body pain and bruises. ^_^ After the surf sesh, I went straight to church.

We have a new series at church today and our Senior Pastor lead the preaching. It was about Come – an invitation to experience God for who He is but I am not going to write about his preaching.

When I thought of the word COME, the first thought in my mind is that person is commanding you to come to him. Since my manager no longer sits beside me, he still has to call me over the phone and ask me to come to his station. I would (always) ask him to give me few minutes because I am on the middle of something. At times, he would tell me (on a louder voice), “now”, off course, I cannot refuse him even if I’m busy with something so I have to come to his place at that very moment.

I remember in the book of Matthew when Jesus had his first disciples, the fishermen simply obeyed Jesus when He asked them to come and follow Him.

Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow Me, 
and I will show you how to fish for people!” 
And they left their nets at once and follow Him.
Matthew 4:19-20 NLT

Like Jesus, my manager is placed in a position or in authority where I have to honor and respect him.  He was put in the position where he can command me and assign tasks to me.

Basically, what Jesus said to Peter and Andrew does not only apply to them. They apply to all of us. We are called to be followers of Christ and fishers of men. If we can obey the people that were put into authority; why can’t we obey The Son of God...

Why do we struggle to obey Him?


  1. I am really impressed with this blog. It is easy to see that you are passionate about your writing. If only I had your writing ability I look forward to more updates and will be returning. dashboard camera

    1. Hello. :D thank you for your very nice comment! Reading would help you if you want to improve your writing :)
